Using Ansible to track down exact port on switch a mac address is connected to

 I have a group of switches that users keep asking me to locate mac address for in order to trace down the exact port and edit that port to assign it in new VLAN. Rather than logging into each switch and tracking down the switch where the mac resides, I created a basic ansible playbook to help me with this. This has been a huge time saver. Hopefully this can help someone else (It helps if your switch ports have descriptions):


- name: Find mac address in sec-switches

  hosts: sec-switch

  gather_facts: false

  connection: local


     - name: mac

       prompt: What is the mac address?

       private: no



      name: debugging


        msg: 'Searching for {{ mac }}'


      name: search



          - "show mac address-table | include {{ mac }}"

      register: printout

    - set_fact:

        intf: |

          {{printout.stdout_lines[0] |

            map('regex_replace','^(?:[^ ]*\ ){12}([^ ]*)') |

            list }}


      name: show int desc



          - "sh interfaces description | inc {{ intf[0].strip() }}"

      register: printout2

    - name: View output


        var: printout2

<Snippet of output>

ok: [switch9] => {

    “printout2”: {

        “changed”: false,

        “failed”: false,

        “stdout”: [

            “Gi1/0/42                       up             up       SEG 12 “


        “stdout_lines”: [


                “Gi1/0/42                       up             up      SEG1 2”





ok: [switch20] => {

    “printout2”: {

        “changed”: false,

        “failed”: false,

        “stdout”: [

            “Gi1/0/25                       up             up       UPLINK”


        “stdout_lines”: [


                “Gi1/0/25                       up             up       UPLINK”

Special shout out to rajthecomputerguy, who helped me by suggesting:

Use strip() method to get rid of whitespace debug: var: intf[0].strip()