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Using AWX Container groups for Kerberos authentication of playbooks/templates running against Windows servers/hosts

I have been porting some of my Ansible playbooks for Windows over to AWX and while they worked in my home lab, they didn’t cooperate when I moved them over to my work environment. This is because initially I was testing on stand-alone windows servers and clients in my home lab. In my office environment we obviously use a Windows AD domain. In Ansible cli, I would just setup Kerberos authentication on my Ansible host. This is not as easy when dealing with AWX running on Kubernetes Pods.

In this situation I will use the stock “AWX EE (latest)” Execution Environment, but with that you will need to configure AWX on how to access your Kerberos server (AD server). We will need to configure a Container Group that will be linked to the Ansible Execution Environment which lets Ansible know about your Kerberos environment. If you haven’t already configured your Windows hosts for connections via WinRM, you can read the following documentation. My environment was already setup for this since I have already been controlling/automating my Windows servers via Ansible cli.

To prepare Kubernetes for this container group, you will need to create a config map that will handle your Kerberos authentication. In your favorite editor (mines vi), create a file in your home directory or “/tmp” called krb5.conf. In my example below I have two domains listed because my AWX host works on two domains.

 default_realm = CONTOSO.COM



Now we can map this file with Kubernetes by doing the following:

kubectl -n awx create configmap awx-kerberos-config --from-file=krb5.conf

Now your krb5.conf is mapped in Kubernetes, you will want to ensure it has been created by running the following:

kubectl -n awx get configmap awx-kerberos-config -o yaml

You should see output in yaml format that shows your krb.conf. Now in AWX, on the left column, click on “Instance Groups” under the Administration section:

In the “Instance Groups” menu, click “Add”, then “Add Container group”

In the new Container group menu, you can name it what you want, In my case I am naming it: Kerberos. The only other thing you will need to do is make sure you check: “Customize pod specification”

Now you will want to edit the “Custom pod spec” YAML, mine looks like:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  namespace: awx
  serviceAccountName: default
  automountServiceAccountToken: false
    - image: ''
      name: worker
        - ansible-runner
        - worker
        - '--private-data-dir=/runner'
          cpu: 250m
          memory: 100Mi
        - name: awx-kerberos-volume
          mountPath: /etc/krb5.conf
          subPath: krb5.conf
    - name: awx-kerberos-volume
        name: awx-kerberos-config

Make sure you save when your done. Now we will need to link this Container group to your template (same as a playbook in Ansible cli). To link the Container group, edit your template/playbook and towards the bottom of the page, you will see “Instance Groups”, from there you will select you Container group.

Now you should be able to run your windows based playbooks/templates in AWX. For me my issue was not solved there. I had some extra trouble shooting that I had to do which turned out to be Kubernetes k3s DNS issues that I will talk about in my next post. If you need assistance troubleshooting you can refer to the README located here. You can always contact me as well.