How to power off an unresponsive vm via cli


Step 1 – connect via SSH by using puty for example and enter esxtop.

Enter “esxtop”, then press “c” for the CPU resource screen and shift + V to display VMs only.

ESXi 5 Unresponsive VM

Step 2 – changing the display and locating the LWID number

Press “f” to change the display fields and press “c” in order to show the LWID (Leader World Id) and press ENTER.

How to kill unresponsive VM in VMware ESXi 5

Step 3 – Invoking the k (kill) with the number does it…..

Now when you have the LWID column there, you can see the VM which interests you by the LWID number.

You can press “k” and enter the LWID number of the VM which you want to stop. Note that this is hard stop so, the next time that the VM will boot you’ll probbably see this screen (depending on your guest OS of course).

VMware ESXi 5 – How to kill an unresponsive VM through command line

If this method don’t work, you can’t vmotion the VM elsewhere or any other option don’t work either, there might be a hardware problem with the host which can lead into PSOD.

Move KVM VM vm to HyperV

Found the following online on Novell’s site and it worked perfectly (link below)

Copy the disk to a pc with virtualbox installed the convert with:

c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox>VBoxManage convertfromraw c:\be\disk0-test.ra

w test.vhd –format VHD

Then copy the vhd to hyperv and do it

1. Boot the target machine into rescue mode, using appropriate boot media

2. Run the following command to determine which devices are /, /boot and swap:

fdisk -l

3. Using that information mount the appropriate devices:

mount /dev/%root device% /mnt

mount /dev/%boot device% /mnt/boot

mount –rbind /proc /mnt/proc

mount –rbind /sys /mnt/sys

mount –rbind /dev /mnt/dev

4. Change the system root to the newly selected location:

chroot /mnt

5. Modify the /etc/fstab file to make sure the correct devices are being used.  For example the root, boot, and swap devices might be listed with these device names:




According to the fdisk -l output, however, the devices should be listed as follows:




6. Modify the /boot/grub/menu.lst file and replace the boot partition information with the correct device id.  For example, the boot partition may be listed as this device:


Where it should be this device:


7. Make sure that the /var/tmp directory exists and then run the following command (note: the /var/tmp directory may need to be manually created first):


8. Reboot the target machine

From <>