Audit Active Directory with Ansible

Everyone loves an audit right? We have to deal with audits quite a bit and that requires remedial tasks like “We need a list of AD user accounts that have been locked out”, “We need a list of all inactive user accounts”, “We need a list of inactive computer accounts”, “We need a list of all members of Domain Admins group” as well as “We need a list of all AD accounts”. All of these requirements can easily be scripted with PowerShell. Since I love to automate things and I would rather not run these commands separately, I figured I would just create an Ansible script to run all request at the same time. that way I could logon once, select my Ansible playbook and let it run and I don’t even need to logon to the DC to run theses tasks. I can sit back and let Ansible deal with this.

This simple Ansible playbook uses 3 PowerShell commands and 2 PowerShell scripts that I’m sure most Windows Administrators are familiar with.

- hosts: pdc
  gather_facts: no
     - name: copy audit_AD_inactive_users.ps1 to Windows
          src: files/audit_AD_inactive_users.ps1
          dest: c:\cit\audit_AD_inactive_users.ps1

     - name: copy audit_AD_inactive_computers.ps1 to Windows
          src: files/audit_AD_inactive_computers.ps1
          dest: c:\cit\audit_AD_inactive_computers.ps1

     - name: Run Audit for Locked-Out Accounts
       win_shell: Search-AdAccount -LockedOut | select Name, LockedOut,LastLogonDate,distinguishedName
       register: lockedoutaccounts

     - debug: var=lockedoutaccounts.stdout_lines

     - name: Run Audit of inactive users - 90 days
       win_shell: c:\cit\audit_AD_inactive_users.ps1
       register: inactive_users

     - debug: var=inactive_users.stdout_lines

     - name: Run Audit of inactive computers - 90 days
       win_shell: c:\cit\audit_AD_inactive_computers.ps1
       register: inactive_computers

     - debug: var=inactive_computers.stdout_lines

     - name: Run Audit for members of Domain Admins group
       win_shell: Get-ADGroupMember -Identity 'Domain Admins' | Select-Object name, objectClass,distinguishedName
       register: dom_admin_users

     - debug: var=dom_admin_users.stdout_lines

     - name: Run Audit for all domain users
       win_shell: Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase "dc=contoso,dc=com" | select Name, objectClass,distinguishedName
       register: all_dom_users

     - debug: var=all_dom_users.stdout_lines

Not bad right? Ansible Rocks! The only complaint I may see is I’m not outputting the results to a CSV file, but if you run this script often, you shouldn’t need the fancy format.

Below is the first PowerShell script “audit_AD_inactive_users.ps1”

$date = (get-date).AddDays(-90)

Get-ADUser -Filter {LastLogonDate -lt $date} -Property Enabled | Where-Object {$_.Enabled -like “true”} | Select Name, SamAccountName, DistinguishedName

Below is the second PowerShell script “audit_AD_inactive_computers.ps1”

# Specify inactivity range value below
$DaysInactive = 90
# $time variable converts $DaysInactive to LastLogonTimeStamp property format for the -Filter switch to work

$time = (Get-Date).Adddays(-($DaysInactive))

# Identify inactive computer accounts

Get-ADComputer -Filter {LastLogonTimeStamp -lt $time} -ResultPageSize 2000 -resultSetSize $null -Properties Name, OperatingSystem, SamAccountName, DistinguishedName, LastLogonDate | Select DNSHostName, LastLogonDate, DistinguishedName

Ansible Automation: Gather list of all services on windows servers and clients

I had another audit request to gather all services on windows servers in an environment of about 70+ servers. I knew doing this through Ansible would be allot faster than going to each server individually. In the end it took less than 5 minutes to gather the services on 70+ servers.

When running the script I usually tee the output to text:

IE: ansible-playbook Audit_win_list_all_services.yml | tee /tmp/audit/Windows_services.txt

Here is my playbook:


Ansible Automation: Gather list of all software installed on windows servers and clients

I had a request to gather all software installed on windows servers in an environment of about 70+ servers. I knew doing this through Ansible would be allot faster than going to each server individually. In the end it took less than 5 minutes to gather the installed software on 70+ servers.

I had seen a few playbooks online from other Ansible Admins doing this via Win32_Product, but I have seen warnings about using Win_32Product causing problems.

So after reading this article, I created the following playbook (I initially used a normal debug statement, but the output had allot of unnecessary info, so I split the output by newline and printed that list):

Below is my playbook:
